Reading time (60 sec.)
We will never ask you to buy a nice tray of Cucchitelle !!! We will never ask you to present it to your colleagues. We will never ask you to share it while you are taking the first bite. Do you know why? The answer is very simple; it is a sweet that does not need much introduction. By now even French, German and English tourists know it. It does not need exaggerated advertising.
If you taste Cucchitella once, well you're really screwed!! Yes, you're screwed, you understood correctly; because you won't be able to get that taste out of your mouth that it just left you. And you won't even be able to compare it to any other Sicilian dessert. Do you know why? Because the only producers are located right in Sciacca (AG) and we at Cucchitella Sciacca Shop we are the only ones to have certified Cucchitella at a National level. We are talking about a very good traditional Sicilian local specialty and this is not what we in the pastry shop say, it is what the people who come to visit us and pass by the Bar Nuovo Fiore in Sciacca say. It is what the people who come to visit the City of Sciacca for a weekend, even in winter, say and appreciate its extraordinary natural, architectural, cultural and culinary wonders.